
Business Organizations

Organized structure and disciplined definition of purpose are part of the German genius for getting things done and keeping them on course. Mandatory membership by companies in the national chamber of commerce initiates this information treasure chest. Many businesses also voluntarily become members of associations and organizations related to their specific business and intensely commit to these entities. These groups are accessible and visible at many open forums such as trade fairs of which there seems to be no end in Germany. Finding what you want and need if you’re serious about focusing on Germany and Middle Europe as a starting point will be enhanced by accessing these organizations.


Designing, making and improving products is still a self evident activity in German speaking countries and adjacent areas. Moreover, German speaking companies have operations everywhere in the world. They are reliable partners to have as they do not become such unless it’s with entities sharing a serious and reliable long term view of business life. They are approachable and always considering the next step to wherever market potential leads them. Doing business with American entities is a given.

German link, inc
German link, inc

Insurance / Reinsurance

Outstanding manufacturing might be the first thing that comes to mind about business in German speaking Europe. However, the world’s largest insurance and reinsurance companies are in Germany and Switzerland. Such companies are the enablers of worldwide commercial activity and hence must comprehend commerce on a universal scale. This necessity contributes to a perpetual motion of research and analysis of what’s going on in the world which is part of the Zeitgeist of business. These companies are in harmony with the businesses whose risk they understand and protect. They provide a brain trust that is essential to keeping the entirety of commerce on an even keel. The command and control centers of these businesses speak German.

Trade Fairs

Germany is where the world’s managers come and conduct business at trade fairs which are unique. They trace their roots to the great Leipzig Fair of the 12th century and have evolved into finely tuned venues such as the world’s largest in Hannover and many other vibrant and vital sites. The world comes together in Germany. Companies congregate where they can get things done and keep coming back. Exhibit or visit: If you’re serious about doing business on a world wide scale, German fairs should be a part of your plan.

German link, inc

Education and Workforce Training

People are trained to think, do and continue to keep their edge of ability. You can rely on representations of competence perhaps more than anyplace else on the planet. Once again measure and structure comprise the education and workforce training contributing to a balance of can do and solution seeking. This is where the USA used to get its skilled workers. The apprenticeship training programs in all German speaking countries share common ground and standards. All levels of education focus on the realities of business. Universities are major players in the market place assisting manufacturers with solutions and innovation. They all demonstrate their capacity to support business at trade fairs as well.

Political Entities

Federal, State and Local political units all promote business through focused economic development organizations. They are staffed by people who are products of the education systems that are discussed above.  A regional organization will enlighten as to their resources. The political system, particularly on the state and local level, is cooperative in responding to requests to be put in touch with useful commercial channels. Regions that have greater tradition of international trade appear to be more inviting to queries from outside their regions. Even if your objective is not one that a region may be able to satisfy, you will be listened to and be guided to a source even beyond the jurisdiction you may be dealing with. 


To reiterate, we locate the doors you seek, open them, accompanying and taking you through as part of the plan. This is the heart of a Europe with 750 million people whose values and customs are akin to those of Middle America; where America’s everyday way still happens.